Evan loves to watch the washing machine as I said before. He also loves to play in the bath tub and in water so he figured out that he can crawl over to Howie's water dish and splash in there (gross!) which he thinks is super funny. He obviously loves the water because he will crawl into our shower and splash in any water that may be on the floor!! He also loves to play the piano and a lot of the time will crawl over there and stretch up and push the keys. Again he loves to walk with anything he can, especially loves to push this riding/walking toy around.
Unfortunately Evan took a spill down the stairs on Jan. 20 in his walker. The pictures in the orange shirt were taken the day of the fall and he had a nice shiner. As it healed like in the blue jammies and in the tub, it looked darker and worse. Through it all this didn't seem to bother Evan at all. Even in the pictures after the fall he is smiling and being his normal cheerful self. It sucks when your kids get hurt and unfortunately it is a part of life and I am sure this is only the beginning of many scraps, bruises and maybe even broken bones to look forward to. He is a boy after all and they have no fear.
Our baby is growing up so fast. He is standing on everything. These pictures are a little old, they are from the beginning of January so he is much more of a monkey now, but I am a little behind on posting. He loves to look at the vacuum cleaner, loves the washing machine and the dishwasher, maybe that will mean he will be a good housekeeper!! One can hope. He stands and walks on anything and everything. Won't be long and he will be walking.
For New Years Eve we had Carisa, Braden, Kari, Elijah, Christina, Zach, Alan, & Jenni over to celebrate. The kids had a great time playing and the adults had a great time chatting. It was fun to try and get all the kids together in one picture. That proved to be a little bit of a challenge and unfortunately Alan did not want to be part of the picture. Oh well such is life. It was a very fun night if I do say so myself even though everyone was gone by 10:30pm and I woke up after midnight on the couch, wished myself a Happy New Year and climbed in bed!! I wouldn't trade the time spent with the kids and good friends for anything in the world. Even Nicholas was able to stop home during his shift and say hello and grab a bite to eat.
Welcome to our family blog!! This is a fun and easy way to keep everyone up to date with myself, Nicholas, Samantha, Katarina, Ian and Evan. Have a great day!!!