Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bloomer Jump Rope Competition

This past Saturday Sam participated in the 49th Annual "Rope Jump Contest World Championship Finals" in Bloomer. The first round she was one of 35 jumpers in grades 5 & 6 and was one of the top 5 with 52 and 54 jumps in 10 second for her two jumps!!! In the finals later that night she unfortunately caught her foot on her rope both times ended up with 42 and 44 jumps in 10 seconds. This got her 5th place!!! I am very proud of her dedication and determination to get to Bloomer and most of all her effort in doing her best. Her and a couple of friends hope to jump next year as 6th graders and try to beat the long time champion Alex Skaw whose record is 62 jumps in 10 seconds. I had promised Sam that if she made it this far last year I would jump in the adult portion however "Homer" kind of put a kink in that, maybe next year! Congratulations Sam and keep up the great work!!