I had been asked to post a few belly pics. These pictures start when I was 5 months along (Decemeber 2008) and then at 6 months, 7 months and 8 months. I tried to take them around the 28th of each month since I am due April 28th. Only 3 more weeks to go!!! I have been pretty comfortable, I guess as comfortable as you can be. Walking has really done wonders for my comfort level but not so much for my tremendously swoolen ankles and legs!! My new favorite shoes are regular and fuzzy Crocs!! "Homer" dropped down about 2.5 weeks ago and since then I have been way more comfortable. Before that the little turd was sitting right under the right side of my rib cage making it hard to breathe and do anything (sit, lay down, even stand). Now we are much better pals that he decided to move down a little. Now I start my weekly visits to the doctor!! Last week I was checked, no dilation yet but almost completely thinned and starting to eface so that is a good sign (at least I hope it is). Went to the doc today too, nothing to report. No cervix check this time. She gave me a choice and so I opted to wait until next week (any of you mother's can understand that!). The kids and Nicholas and everyone else, especially Sam's basketball team, keep telling me I should give the kids their basketball back!! That is exactly what it feels like, a big basketball under my shirt. I will keep you all posted when "Homer" decides to make his or her appearance. My guess is April 16-18 sometime, don't ask why, just a hunch so we will see!! Have a super day and week!!