Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Katarina's Awards

On June 5th Jim Falls Elementary held their annual awards ceremony. Katarina received 2 awards. One was for reading at least 10 minutes a night at home throughout the school year and the second was for receiving an average of 94% or higher on all of her spelling tests throughout first grade!! We are very proud of her and hope she continues to be a great speller and reader.

Sam's Awards

On June 5th Jim Falls Elementary School held their annual awards ceremony. Samantha received numerous awards showing her hard work and dedication paid off. The one she is most proud of is the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence. In order to receive this award a student must maintain an A- grade point average throughout 4th and 5th grade. 11 students in Sam's class received this award and she would like to point out only one was a boy!! Other awards she received are: Library Reading Award for checking out 52 books from the school library throughout the year, Family Reading Award for partaking in a "Book-It" like program which encourages children to read at least 10 minutes every night at home either by themselves or with a parent, an Art Award for putting forth the most effort on art projects, and a pin for participating in a state wide competition for Battle of the Books. If you are not familiar with Battle of the Books it is a program where a group of 3 students have a list of books to read and memorize then are asked numerous questions about the books. We are very proud of Sam and know she will do well in Middle School. Wow I just can't believe that she is going to Middle School! Someone told me kids will grow up even faster once they enter school and I really didn't believe it until my kids were in school. And now Sam is going to be a 6th grader!!!

Ian's 4K Graduation

Ian "graduated" from 4yoa kindergarten (BB4C) on June 4th. He was so handsome and so proud that he finally gets to go to kindergarten and ride the bus with Katarina to school!! The entire BB4C class walked in to Pomp and Circumstance, then they sang us some songs, then showed a slide show of pictures taken throughout the year and finally handed out the diplomas. It was such a cute little ceremony!! I can't believe he will be going to Kindergarten next year!!